25 January, 2014
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On December 9, 2011, the Appraiser Qualifications Board of The Appraisal Foundation adopted changes to the Real Property Appraiser Qualification Criteria that will become effective January 1, 2015. These changes represent minimum national requirements that each state must implement no later than January 1, 2015.


National Uniform Licensing and Certification Examinations

Education and experience must be completed prior to taking the AQB-approved National Uniform Licensing and Certification Examination
Background Checks

All candidates for a real property appraiser credential must undergo background screening. State appraiser regulatory agencies are strongly encouraged to perform background checks on existing credential holders as well.

College Degree Acceptance and Core Curriculum Requirements

Credit towards qualifying education requirements may be obtained via the completion of a degree program in Real Estate from an accredited degree-granting college or university provided the college or university has had its curriculum reviewed and approved by the AQB.

Deletion of the Segmented Approach to Criteria Implementation

States had the option to implement the 2008 Real Property Appraiser Qualification Criteria via the “segmented approach.” This implementation option will no longer be valid effective January 1, 2015.

Restriction on Continuing Education Course Offerings

Aside from complying with the requirements to complete the 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course (or its AQB approved equivalent), appraisers may not receive credit for completion of the same continuing education course offering within an appraiser’s continuing education cycle.

Distance Education Requirements

A written, proctored examination is required for all qualifying education distance course offerings. The term written refers to an examination that might be written on paper or administered electronically on a computer workstation or other device.

Revisions to Subtopics in Guide Note 1 (GN-1) and Continuing Education Topics

Added topics on green building (qualifying and continuing education), seller concessions (qualifying and continuing education) and developing opinions of real property value in appraisals that also include personal property and/or business value (continuing education only).


Trainee Appraiser None None
Licensed Residential Appraiser None 30 semester credit hours of college level education from an accredited college, junior college, community college, or university OR an Associate’s degree or higher (in any field).
Certified Residential Appraiser 21 semester credit hours in specified collegiate subject matter courses from an accredited collegeor university OR an Associate’s degree or higher. Bachelor’s degree or higher (in any field) from an accredited college or university.
Certified General Appraiser 30 semester credit hours in specific collegiate subject matter courses from an accredited college oruniversity OR a Bachelor’s degree or higher. Bachelor’s degree or higher (in any field) from an accredited college or university.

*These requirements are effective for individuals seeking a real property appraiser credential

after January 1, 2015. However, in some cases, the requirements may also apply to existing real property appraisers (for example, a state may require a credentialed appraiser to meet the new Criteria if he or she moves from a state that does not have reciprocity with that state. Or some states may require appraisers seeking to change their credential level to meet all of the 2015 Criteria prior to obtaining the new credential). Credentialed appraisers are urged to contact the applicable state appraiser regulatory agencies if they are contemplating relocation or changing credential levels.




State-certified Supervisory Appraiser shall be in good standing with the training jurisdiction and not subject to any disciplinary action within the last three (3) years that affects the Supervisory Appraiser’s legal ability to engage in appraisal practice. Shall have been state certified for a minimum of three (3) years prior to being eligible to become a Supervisory Appraiser. All qualifying education must be completed within the five (5) year period prior to the date of submission of an application for a Trainee Appraiser credential.

A Supervisory Appraiser may not supervise more than three Trainee Appraisers at one time, unless a state program in the licensing jurisdiction provides to progress monitoring, supervising certified appraiser qualifications, and supervision oversight requirements for Supervisory Appraisers. A Trainee Appraiser is permitted to have more than one Supervisory Appraiser.
Shared responsibility to ensure the appraisal experience log for the Trainee Appraiser is accurate, current, and complies with the requirements of the Trainee Appraiser’s credentialing jurisdiction.
Both the Trainee Appraiser and Supervisory Appraiser shall be required to complete a course that, at a minimum, complies with the specifications for course content established by the AQB. The course will be oriented toward the requirements and responsibilities of Supervisory Appraisers and expectations for Trainee Appraisers. The course must be completed by the Trainee Appraiser prior to obtaining a Trainee Appraiser credential, and completed by the Supervisory Appraiser prior to supervising a Trainee Appraiser.

Reference –
The Appraisal Foundation
